Go My Favorite Sports Team!

Last night, the San Francisco Giants won the World Series (that's baseball), for the second time in two years. I don't expect anyone to really care, because I didn't really care until very recently. I think I'm finally beginning to understand why caring about sports can be an exhilarating  and unifying experience! The team itself has so many quirky individual players and they've just interacted so well. I played little league and girls' softball for a few years back in the day, so baseball has always been more interesting to me than  Eric and I were lucky enough to go to one of the play-off games in San Francisco a few weeks ago; a sold out stadium for a home team creates an intense energy (and noise!) and it was so wonderful - Go Giants!


  1. Congrats! Everyone in my every area is going nuts over the win as well <3

    Colour Me Classic

  2. Did you watch the parade?

    xo Jennifer



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