The Gratitude Journal

A few months ago I left the low-paying job I've had for several years, through college and after. I left without another job lined up, mainly due to the deep and pervasive unhappiness it encouraged in my life. For the first week or two of being unemployed, I was really, really happy (duh). But that sugar-high faded away fast, much faster than I'd expected. Expectation, the mother of all fuck-ups, no? It's widely held that each person has a natural happiness "set point" that isn't altered very much by either great or terrible life events. I remember being a rather sullen child, so I guess I just wasn't blessed with the positivity gift. But I think I still have time to elevate my internal thermostat, as in, you know, it's never too late to get in shape! Which makes trying to break negative thought patterns every day like a work out for your soul or strength training for your brain.

Right now, I really want to recommit myself to slowing down, so I can practice patience, positivity and awareness. One of the best habits I keep returning to for bringing awareness and good energy into your life is by keeping a gratitude journal. I've tried many, many times before and totally slacked on this daily practice. I tend to do something for a few days, maybe a week or two, and then if I don't attain some sort of marvelous result, I lose all focus and drive. I have so many wonderful reasons to be thankful, but I get completely snarled in negative thoughts way too often for my liking. Obviously, I need to work on these things. Actively.

Research into depression and anxiety has shown that keeping a gratitude journal or diary can help to alleviate illness. Basically, it involves pausing for a few minutes at the end of each day to reflect on and write down at least three things that made you happy, or proud, or thankful, or just made your feel good (without making you feel bad right after). Making this little list every single day helps you focus on the positive things in your life. Acknowledging your blessings can help break the cycle of feeling bad about what you don't have. It should take at least one month to really make a difference in your life; at least six months before you can really call it a "habit" (in the good way). So, I'm busting out a fresh little moleskin journal that Eric got me for Christmas. It's all ready to go on my nightstand, with its own pen, ready to hold my thanks.

If anyone reading this keeps up such a journal-ling practice, or has other genuine ways of 
coping with negative thoughts, please let me know in the comments, or email me. 
Or even if you are still struggling. I would love to hear from you


  1. This past month has been really difficult for me, there were some things going on at school and my scholarship was sort of hanging in the balance. (Thank God it is all sorted out now). To cope I just reminded myself that I am at one point in my life that is an infinite line. Reminding myself that I am small, kept me in check. Also, I did a LOT of art therapy. And I keep a journal regularly. It also helps to talk to someone who is older/wiser than you that you can trust. For me that's my mom, but having someone that's experienced so much more life than I have really helped.

    Okay. I'm done rambling. These pictures are lovely. xo. Deanna

    1. I'm glad your school problems got sorted out :)
      Sometimes just looking at the stars at night helps, as you said, remind you that you are small and there is infinite space for things to change

  2. I can be TERRIBLE about remembering to be grateful, but for the past few years I have tried to remember to say thank you for the blessings I have. I do think it helps me with day to day stress and disappointments. I think consistent journaling would be a great plan.

  3. I decided to this since the begining of the year, i'm not going to say that my life is perfect, because it isn't, that's why i've been loving this little challenge, write something that i'm grateful daily, a little thing, a simple thing, which reminds me that life -even when it sucks most of the time- has tinny little details that make me feel happy.
    I don't try to put things like "i'm grateful for the food that i have or the wonderful job that i have" because sometimes that doesn't help, specially if you had a terrible day at work, but i write things like "the silly things that kids said at school" -i work in a highschool- something like that, just little thing you know :)

    1. it definitely is all about the little things! they tend to get lost in life's daily disappointments


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