Pink Grapefruit Medley Syrup

We're having a pretty mild winter here, for which I'm incredibly grateful for compared to the other side of the country. It's hard to complain about weather in the sixties and frequent sunshine, though I'm still looking forward to the fruits of summer, the longer days and warmer nights. To bring some more rays of sunshine in, I went a little crazy at the farmer's market and picked up a medley or citrus fruits. Even if you don't have a Sodastream maker, this sweet yet light and refreshing simple syrup makes a great base for a cocktail, too.
  • citrus fruits like pink grapefruit, lemon, blood orange
  • 2 cups water
  • 2 cups sugar
  • non-reactive cookware (enamel, glass or stainless steel)
Grate the zest from one of each fruit. The grapefruit was the hardest to scrape for me, while the lemon is always easiest. I also find it easier to de-zest the fruit before cutting and juicing it. Bring the zest, sugar and water to a boil over medium-high heat, stirring occasionally until all the sugar dissolves. Remove from heat and let cool for an hour. Add the freshly squeezed citrus juices and stir well. I then use a sieve and funnel to remove most of the zest and pulp and decant it into a container; if you hate pulp, consider using cheesecloth. Poured into a clean mason jar, the syrup can last for weeks in the fridge, though mine never stick around more than a few days. For a basic soda, mix about an ounce (a shot) of syrup with ice and sparkling water.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds delicious! I love pink grapefruit!

    xx Penny


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