Halloween | Closet Costumes

It's been a few years since I've dressed in costume for Halloween; once the actual free candy thing stopped happening (too many dirty looks from adults) I never had as much fun in October 31st. I don't think I'll do anything crazy this year, but I love the idea of making easy and free/cheap costumes by shopping your closet. I decided to use some of my favorite movies and childhood cartoons as inspiration.

Remember the adorably sweet little boy from E.T.? His is one of the easiest (and one of the warmest) costumes to forage for in your closet. A red top and blue jeans form the basis of this costume, which could be stepped up significantly depending on what you have or can get your hands on. A blanket/cape and an amorphous bundle of white towels can really take it up a few notches (and provides extra layers for warmth). If you want to get really crafty, set your E.T. in a plastic milk crate and tie it around your neck, or go all the way and hop onto your bicycle. If you've got a baby or pet that could be included in this, extra candy for you!

Margot Tenenbaum
One of my favorite dysfunctional families is the endearing Royal Tenenbaums, and my favorite member is the droll only daughter, Margot. I'm pretty sure a thrift store should carry all you need for this, if you don't already own a striped and collared pale blue t-shirt dress...or a fur coat. Consider just wearing a long, closed brown jacket and make up for things with heavily smudged black eyeliner, a red baby barrette, and some candy cigarettes or lollipops for effect. Maybe have a play hanging out of your pocket.

Hello Kitty
Something red, something pink, a big red bow and some eye-liner whiskers, and you are all set! Meow!


  1. I want to be Elliot! That's the best costume idea ever. x

  2. i love the elliot costume, such a good idea haha! x

  3. this is fabulous! i was margot for halloween 2 years ago - such a chic costume!


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